We are thankful once again to have our missionaries come and speak at our parishes. This year, we had over 40 missionaries from a combination of Dioceses and Religious Orders and are hoping to surpass the amount raised last year. God has blessed the Diocese of Arlington with generous parishioners who gladly share their prayers and financial support with those in need.
This year the Mission Office, in conjunction with the Diocese, was able to share even more. The Mission Office often gets donations of vestments and sacred vessels to pass on to the missions. However the shipping costs can be very prohibitive, and some missions are so remote that delivery service is almost nonexistent. In the past we were able to gift vestments here and there to visiting missionaries but realized we needed a more robust program.
After careful examination and only selecting the best, the Mission Office acquired several clothes racks and some shelving and began offering the vestments and sacred vessels to all visiting missionaries.
Priests who were interested were sent a flyer with pictures of what was available. After making their choices, the items were either set aside for pick up or delivered to the parish where the missionary would be giving the appeal.
Many of our mission priests have taken advantage of this program and it has proven to be beneficial. Our vestments are now being used in India, Kenya, and Vietnam.
We are very happy to be able to put these vestments and sacred vessels to good use. We pray for all those who have used them in the past, the present, and the future.