Jesus Child Community

Parish Assigned to: St. Ambrose

Mission Contact:
Mr. Antonio de Mello

Rua Divino Espírito Santo, 577
Carangola, Petrópolis RJ, 25715-410


Mission Appeal:

The Jesus Child Community is at the forefront of the defense of life in Brazil. Founded in 1990 by Antonio "Tonio" de Mello, it is a private association of the faithful based in the city of Petrópolis, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. There, in a rural setting, Tonio, along with a group of consecrated volunteers, provides a loving environment and comprehensive care for 46 individuals with serious disabilities, some caused by failed abortions. Tonio has legally adopted all of them, whom he refers to and treats as his sons.
Currently, the Community has been facing ongoing difficulties in covering its healthcare plan, provided by Amil at a monthly cost of about USD 7,300. Donations will primarily be used to cover this expense.