Resources for Missionaries and Mission Groups

We appreciate your interest in participating in our Mission Cooperative Plan.  Every year Missionaries, Dioceses, and Religious Societies working in the missions are invited to preach at our parishes and inform the parishioners about the important work being done in our Universal Church.  Mission Appeals provide an excellent opportunity to gain prayerful and financial support for your projects.  It also give our parishioners the opportunity to experience and participate in the baptismal call to Mission and spread the Good News of our salvation.

Applying to Conduct an Appeal in the Diocese of Arlington:

To apply for inclusion in the 2026 Mission Cooperative Plan, you must submit an application online and provide all of the required information. Including:

  • a Copy of Page Listing showing your Diocese/Religious order listed in the Annuario Pontificio or Official Catholic Directory (Kenedy).
  • A Letter of Authorization coming from your Ordinary, Bishop, Superior designating you as the delegated Mission Representative to apply, participate and act on behalf of the Organization listed on the application.
  • A brief explanation of the service and ministry of your organization and how the donations will be utilized.

Resources for Accepted Groups:

Please read your materials carefully for due dates, procedures, agreements and guidelines.  Questions should be directed to or 703-841-3837.

You will be notified by our office if you have been accepted and asked to complete the Acceptance Form, which confirms your information.  The Mission will notify the parishes so that they will be expecting your communication.

  • Welcome: Each accepted group receives an follow up email to the Missionary Cooperation Plan with the necessary requirements outlined in the email.
  • Guidelines for Visiting Missionary: The Guidelines for Visiting Missionary contains important information, including the due dates for forms and the responsibilities of the missionary group.
  • Suitability Letters (Letters of Good Standing): A Letter of Suitability/Good Standing must be provided for each person giving a mission appeal in the Diocese of Arlington.  Click here for the Letter for Priest/Religious Suitability.