Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica

Parish Assigned to Mission: Blessed Sacrament

Mission Contact:

Reverend Gary Wiesmann
PO Box 11062
Fort Lauderdale, FL 3339-1062

Email: garywies@yahoo.com

Website: https://www.mandevillediocese.org/


EVANGELIZATION, through ongoing development of Catechetical Programs for adults, adolescents and children is a primary goal which requires outside funding. Parish collections cover about 10% of our operating cost. We have many PROGRAMS TO HELP OUR POOR as we seek to see the fact of God in the poor and marginalized and accompany them as Pope Francis calls us to do. We PROVIDE THE BASICS:S. FOOD, CLOTHING AND HOUSING for poor people throughout the diocese; we build some simple houses for the indigent when we can. We have a YOUTH RESIDENTIAL/WORK FORMATION CENTER to provide for the abused, neglected, orphaned youth and youth who need a chance to learn a trade to support themselves in life. We are blessed to have PRIMARY/SECONDARY SCHOOLS to help youth break the cycle of poverty and learn to know Our Lord in our Catholic tradition; we provide breakfast/lunch for the youth who come to school hungry. We would like to open more schools when possible. And, we are proud to have a small CATHOLIC COLLEGE. We operate 3 small CLINICS out in the bush for people who can't get care and assist our people who suffer from HIV/AIDS and other serious illnesses. We would love to expand this ministry. We also have a HOME FOR 75 DESTITUTE ELDERLY people, many of whom are sick nd have been abandoned by their families. Each of these people should have DIGNITY as a CHILD OF GOD. All of these ministries need support to continue and serve God's people in the Diocese of Mandeville.