Last month Bishop Burbidge traveled to the Arlington Diocese Mission in Bánica in the Dominican Republic. His visit was a joyous occasion as he was able to spend time with the parishioners of the two parishes. Masses were celebrated and there was even a procession, as pictured above. The Bishop was also able to meet with our two Diocesan priests that serve as Pastors there. Fr. Donelan and Fr. McGraw were delighted to show Bishop the area and to share the stories of the people that live here.

The Bishop traveled with Fr. Patrick Posey, who is the Director of the Arlington Mission Office and served for 8 years in the Bánica Mission in the mid-1990’s. During the visit they were able to say Mass with the Diocesan Bishops and priests from the Dominican Republic. The Bishop also had the opportunity to meet some of the staff. Pictured here is Dio with the Bishop and priests.

The Bishop spent a week enjoying the food, the fellowship and the enduring faith of the people of Bánica.